As Mr. Hellesoy noted in his blog entry, this is going to break a lot of Rails training materials which have come to rely on these files being available.
Having recently gotten a copy of Rails 3 in Action and noticing that an edit seems to be a ways off, I offer my humble solution for getting through chapter 3 of this book using the latest Cucumber. You can and probably should still read through the text that I skip in the book, as it does give you insights, but my path below will allow you to use Cucumber the 'right' way.
The trouble starts on Page 55
I have rewritten the Gherkin for the feature file. Notice the more domain language syntax?
Listing 3.8
Feature: Create projects
In order to have projects to assign tickets to
As a user
I want to create them easily
Scenario: Creating a project
Given I am on the homepage
When I navigate to the new project creation page
And I create a new project
Then I should be shown the project created verification message
Then skip to the portion about doing the db migration
rake db:migrate (page 56)
rake cucumber:ok
You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:
Given /^I am on the homepage$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
When /^I navigate to the new project creation page$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
When /^I create a new project$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be shown the project created verification$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
stick this in features/step_definitions/project_steps.rb
Now edit this using Capybara API (
Given /^I am on the homepage$/ do
When /^I navigate to the new project creation page$/ do
click_link('New Project')
When /^I create a new project$/ do
fill_in('Name', :with => 'TextMate 2')
click_button('Create Project')
Then /^I should be shown the project created verification$/ do
page.should have_content("Project has been created.")
The visit('/') is substituted for the path_to stuff from web_steps that is mentioned on page 56
basically we are sending it to the root
continue to page 57-58
when editing the routes.rb file
# You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
# just remember to delete public/index.html.
# root :to => 'welcome#index'
root :to => "projects#index"
continue through to page 61
when editing routes.rb
# Sample resource route (maps HTTP verbs to controller actions automatically):
# resources :products
resources :projects
You can continue on till Page 73 adding a title:
add the following line to the creating_projects.feature
And I should be on the project page for the new project
running rake cucumber:ok will give you the following step def to add to your file (project_steps.rb)
Then /^I should be on the project page for the new project$/ doThen edit this to:
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be on the project page for the new project$/ do
current_path.should == project_path(Project.find_by_name!('TextMate 2'))
page.should have_content("TextMate 2 - Projects - Ticketee")
This replaces the paths.rb stuff and the other web_steps.rb stuff referred to on page 73
do read the stuff on the bottom of page 73-74 about the dynamic method invocation
rake cucumber:ok
will give following error:
"expected there to be content "TextMate 2 - Projects - Ticketee" in "Ticketee\n\n \n Project has been created.\n \nTextMate 2\n\n\n" (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)"
(instead of the expected #has_content? error mentioned in the text)
both are Rspec type errors though
continue on with page 74-77
New Cucumber Feature for Page 77
make your features/creating_projects.feature look like:
Feature: Creating projects
In order to have projects to assign tickets to
As a user
I want to create them easily
Given I am on the homepage
When I navigate to the new project creation page
Scenario: Creating a project
And I create a new project
Then I should be shown the project created verification
And I should be on the project page for the new project
Scenario: Creating a project without a name
And I try to create a project without a name
Then I should be informed that the project has not been created
And I should be told that the name is required
rake cucumber:ok
Add these to the project_steps.rb
When /^I try to create a project without a name$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be informed that the project has not been created$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be told that the name is required\.$/ do
pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Implement them as per below:
When /^I try to create a project without a name$/ do
click_button('Create Project')
Then /^I should be informed that the project has not been created$/ do
page.should have_content("Project has not been created.")
Then /^I should be told that the name is required\.$/ do
page.should have_content("Name can't be blank")
This should get you on track to continue at the bottom of page 77.
I realize my Tests are not ideal. For instance the second scenario could also check that on a failed verification you stay on the New Project page. I was simply trying to mirror what the book had and put it into a more business domain syntax. It also nicely shows the division between the Gherkin and the step definitions.
Hopefully this is helpful to others. As I have time to go through the book, I will try to add further updates, but this should give most a good start in the right direction.
I am eager to see other modifications others make to this.