Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When the Cucumber is mightier than the Pen - Fixing Rails 3 in Action

Aslak Hellesoy and the good people behind Cucumber have realized there was a problem in the Cucumber community. People were using web_steps to build, rather than just as a set of examples. So, the latest versions of cucumber have removed the creation of web_steps and the attendant files when you run the generator.

As Mr. Hellesoy noted in his blog entry, this is going to break a lot of Rails training materials which have come to rely on these files being available.

Having recently gotten a copy of Rails 3 in Action and noticing that an edit seems to be a ways off, I offer my humble solution for getting through chapter 3 of this book using the latest Cucumber. You can and probably should still read through the text that I skip in the book, as it does give you insights, but my path below will allow you to use Cucumber the 'right' way.

The trouble starts on Page 55

I have rewritten the Gherkin for the feature file. Notice the more domain language syntax?

Listing 3.8 
Feature: Create projects
In order to have projects to assign tickets to
As a user
I want to create them easily 
Scenario: Creating a project
Given I am on the homepage
When I navigate to the new project creation page
And I create a new project
Then I should be shown the project created verification message

Then skip to the portion about doing the db migration

rake db:migrate (page 56)
rake cucumber:ok

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

Given /^I am on the homepage$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
When /^I navigate to the new project creation page$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
When /^I create a new project$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be shown the project created verification$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had

stick this in features/step_definitions/project_steps.rb

Given /^I am on the homepage$/ do
When /^I navigate to the new project creation page$/ do
  click_link('New Project')
When /^I create a new project$/ do
  fill_in('Name', :with => 'TextMate 2')
  click_button('Create Project')
Then /^I should be shown the project created verification$/ do
  page.should have_content("Project has been created.")

The visit('/') is substituted for the path_to stuff from web_steps that is mentioned on page 56

basically we are sending it to the root 

continue to page 57-58

when editing the routes.rb file

  # You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
  # just remember to delete public/index.html.
  # root :to => 'welcome#index'
  root :to => "projects#index"

continue through to page 61

when editing routes.rb

  # Sample resource route (maps HTTP verbs to controller actions automatically):
  #   resources :products
  resources :projects
You can continue on till Page 73 adding a title:

add the following line to the creating_projects.feature

And I should be on the project page for the new project

running rake cucumber:ok will give you the following step def to add to your file (project_steps.rb)

Then /^I should be on the project page for the new project$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then edit this to:
Then /^I should be on the project page for the new project$/ do
  current_path.should == project_path(Project.find_by_name!('TextMate 2'))
  page.should have_content("TextMate 2 - Projects - Ticketee")

This replaces the paths.rb stuff and the other web_steps.rb stuff referred to on page 73

do read the stuff on the bottom of page 73-74 about the dynamic method invocation

rake cucumber:ok

will give following error:

"expected there to be content "TextMate 2 - Projects - Ticketee" in "Ticketee\n\n  \n    Project has been created.\n  \nTextMate 2\n\n\n" (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)"
(instead of the expected #has_content? error mentioned in the text)

both are Rspec type errors though

continue on with page 74-77

New Cucumber Feature for Page 77

make your features/creating_projects.feature look like:

Feature: Creating projects
  In order to have projects to assign tickets to
  As a user
  I want to create them easily 
     Given I am on the homepage
     When I navigate to the new project creation page

  Scenario: Creating a project 
    And I create a new project                           
    Then I should be shown the project created verification
    And I should be on the project page for the new project 
  Scenario: Creating a project without a name
     And I try to create a project without a name
     Then I should be informed that the project has not been created
     And I should be told that the name is required

rake cucumber:ok

Add these to the project_steps.rb

When /^I try to create a project without a name$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be informed that the project has not been created$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
Then /^I should be told that the name is required\.$/ do
  pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had

Implement them as per below:

When /^I try to create a project without a name$/ do
  click_button('Create Project')
Then /^I should be informed that the project has not been created$/ do
  page.should have_content("Project has not been created.")
Then /^I should be told that the name is required\.$/ do
  page.should have_content("Name can't be blank")

This should get you on track to continue at the bottom of page 77.

I realize my Tests are not ideal. For instance the second scenario could also check that on a failed verification you stay on the New Project page. I was simply trying to mirror what the book had and put it into a more business domain syntax. It also nicely shows the division between the Gherkin and the step definitions.

Hopefully this is helpful to others. As I have time to go through the book, I will try to add further updates, but this should give most a good start in the right direction.

I am eager to see other modifications others make to this.

Eat your meat AND your vegetables!

No matter what dietary fads are upon us, most of us realize that we need to eat a balanced diet.*

Why is it in the software industry that I so often see teams binging on just one thing when it comes to testing?

What I mean specifically, is testing frameworks. In the Rails world the frameworks du jour are RSpec, Cucumber and Steak - with a little Capybara sauce. Mmmm sounds tasty!

RSpec has become a solid core for all layers of testing with the other parts. Cucumber was initially created to make the BDD'ness more domain specific... so that customers/project owners/BA's could read and even write them. Unfortunately, many Gherkin examples in the wild tend to be anything but non-coder friendly. This seems to have occurred due to many factors which may come to play on a team. 

One of these factors seems to be part of what has attracted many people to Ruby on Rails in the first place. You often hear Rails coders talking about how they love it that RoR 'gets out of the way' and 'just lets them code'. This is definitely laudable when what is getting in the way is technical scaffolding or other technical encumbrances. It is like using a power tool over the old manual ones. Where it becomes a problem is when what is being 'gotten out of the way' is meaningful communication and collaboration across the team. Teams who have tried to get their 'business folks' involved through BDD have run into the problem that either the business loses interest or can't write the tests well enough. I believe at least a good portion of this is due to how the tests are being written. They are often too low level - basically a series of instructions for filling out web forms, clicking buttons, etc.  The folks behind Cucumber have tried to force a solution by removing one of the culprits they provided early on: web_steps.rb. Web_steps was a sample collection of step definitions around many boring day to day activities. Instead of serving simply as an example, teams baked their tests around it - creating many awful to read, low level test suites.

While I applaud the removal of web_steps on the part of Cucumber, it is having the oposite effect. Teams are just moving away from Cucumber to Steak (because it is more 'coder' friendly) for their Acceptance/Integration tests. What lies at the core is a one-two punch of badness that I am seeing more and more: Teams are confusing Integration Testing with Acceptance testing AND coders are writing those tests.

Acceptance tests should be written in the domain language of the business. They are meant to be high level - to provide the coders a place to start. 
Integration tests should be written to test across 'the stack' and as such are more focused on the implementation details. These are therefore in the more code like language of the implementation domain.
Unit Tests test the code directly... everyone knows the coders are supposed to write these. 

Cucumber is good for BDD acceptance tests. Steak is great for integration tests. Eat your meat and vegetables!

Let me suggest a possible test driven development team and their roles in testing under the above approach.

"The Business" (Story owners/Customers/BAs/etc) - write high level Acceptance Test Scenarios - These could even be part of the story. In essence they write the Cucumber Tests. (Someone else might actually cut and paste the tests into a 'feature' file, but you get the idea).

"Coders" (Software Engineers/Programmers/etc) - write the step definitions behind the Gherkin. Step definitions can be more implementation specific. Writing these can be the first time the coders actually start doing Test Driven Design. Then the coders write their Unit tests however they see fit.

"Testing Team" (Test Engineers/QAs) - write Integration tests using Steak, etc.

The above scenarios are based upon testing using Cucumber and Steak. It could just as well apply to the myriad other testing frameworks (Fitnesse, JBehave, Selenium, etc). The essence is that integration and acceptance testing should be separate endeavors.

I can hear the objections already.  

"We don't have a testing team.":  Fine, there are projects which are small enough, simple enough where the coders serve this role. The point is, integration testing is a different animal from acceptance testing.

"Our business people are not involved/would never write tests)": Really? Who writes your stories? Maybe they were driven away by previous bad cukes. Listen to your business people describe the functionality they want. "So I am on the home page and when I go to create a new account then I should get some indication that the account creation succeeded". That is practically Gherkin already! If they won't physically write the tests, then the BA's could certainly be following them around 'taking dictation' as the acceptance tests drip from the Owners' lips. 
On the other hand, if your business people are not involved, it is likely you have a deeper issue than what testing framework you are using. Do you have an Agility Coach?

"That is totally going to slow us down!": Again, fine! Speed by itself is not a good thing. Without direction it simply means you are going to drive off the cliff faster. If you are a business owner and the 'acceptance tests' you are being fed make you want to cry with their technical level of detail - ask why they are being written this way - or better yet - write them yourself. If the testing is being taken away from you completely, don't let them. Don't let anyone tell you that integration tests are the same thing as acceptance tests. Coders, if you want your business owners to engage more, realize that giving them pages of cryptic, coder centric tests to review does not really encourage their engagement. As stated before, the idea of BDD was to simplify acceptance gathering so that coders would know where to start. It supports Agility by giving a venue for business people and programers to collaborate frequently. In the end, the slight reduction in speed along a more prudently chosen path will likely save you way more time than a radical course change much later in the project.

All of this raises a number of other questions I have been pondering for years - such as having different types of 'Customers', What sufficiency of testing levels for a given project, optimizing testing approaches... 

It also makes me hungry...

* - my wife wanted me to note that our household is vegetarian and that I am only promoting Steak in the 'software' sense. Thank you dear! :-)